Welcome to Year 6
Spring Term
In the Spring term, our Power of Reading focus in English is Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. We link this with our History learning on WWII and Art focus on LS Lowry. In Maths we study the following: ratio and proportion, measurement, properties of shape, position and direction and statistics. Our Science focus will be on Healthy Bodies for the term, which links of our topics of Relationships and Healthy Me in Jigsaw. In Computing, our 'We are connected' topic focuses on blogging, safe Internet use and reliability of search results including how to spot fake news. We then move on to 'We are advertisers', where we film TV adverts and edit the footage on iPads. In Geography we look at Climate Change and Global Warming which will help our learning next term as well. Our cooking project for DT will be making Cornish pasties. PE lessons will be gymnastics, hockey, dance and basketball. In RE we continue our learning on Buddhism and how they express their faith through symbols and festivals. In Spanish we learn vocabulary to be able to say what we do in our spare time at the weekends. Towards the end of this half term, we will do practice SATs. This leads into our revision in Maths and English until May.