Welcome to Year 6
Autumn Term
In the Autumn term, our Power of Reading focus in English is Street Child by Berlie Doherty. We link this with our History learning on the Victorians and Art focus on William Morris. We also read ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman and ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ by William Grill. In Maths we study the following: number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. Our Science focus will be on Electricity for the first half term, moving on to Evolution and Inheritance later in the term. For PSHE, we will look at the topics ‘Being me in my World’ and ‘Celebrating Differences’. In Computing, our topic focuses on micro:bits and using computational thinking. In Geography we look at Trade and Economics. Our project for DT this term is to design and make a bridge model based on the structural work of Brunel. Our cooking will be making paninis. PE lessons will be netball and football, with tennis for the whole term. In RE we begin our learning on Buddhism and key Buddhist beliefs, comparing to Christian beliefs. In Spanish we learn vocabulary to be able to say what we do at school.