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Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School

Improving outcomes for all our pupils through high quality teaching and learning

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Mrs Hart (6H) and Mrs Gleeson (6G) are the class teachers for Year 6; Mr Haynes will also be taking one of the maths sets. Miss Sheehan will be teaching 6G on Tuesdays.  Mrs Haycock will also be teaching at times.  Mrs McCarthy and Mrs Lane will also support the teaching and learning across year 6.

Summer Term

In the Summer term, we begin our English work getting ready for SATs with reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling revision.  After SATs, our Power of Reading book will be Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick.  We link this with our Geography learning Our Future World.  In Maths we study the following: ratio and proportion, algebra, measurement, properties of shape, position and direction and statistics.  Our Science focus will be on classifying living things in the first half of the Summer, moving on to Light for the second half term.  Our Jigsaw for this term focuses on wellbeing and resilience, with Watford FC coming in to our classes to deliver their Positive Minds Education.  In Computing, our 'We are AI developers' topic focuses on automation programming.  We then move on to 'We are publishers, where we create our own Yearbook to celebrate our time in Year 6.  In History, we look at how Britain has changed since 1948, examining trends in culture in the 1960s, 1970s and beyond.  Our DT projects this term will be making flood-resistant houses and later making pasta bolognaise for cooking.  PE lessons will be rounders and athletics.  In RE we examine ultimate questions about God including from non-religious viewpoints.  In Spanish we learn vocabulary to be able to say what food and drinks contribute to a healthy lifestyle.  Our Music this term involves composing our own Hip Hop tracks, using computer software YuStudio.


SATs examinations will take place wb 13th May.

6G Computing Adverts

Click on the links to watch our adverts.

Chess Club

Don't litter

No Planet B

Six Nations

West End Shows


How has life changed since since 1948?

6H Excellent Work Awards 26th January
