Prior to 1950, Peascroft Road was a country lane known as Pease Lane, running through the 63 acre Leverstock Green Farm. On one side of the lane was Hobbs Hill Wood, an area rich in deciduous trees. Then the New Town Development Plan resulted in most of the open land between Leverstock Green and Old Hemel Hempstead being filled with housing. Leverstock Green Farm and the adjacent woods were partly cleared, and the foundations were laid on top of the hill for a new primary school to serve the expanding community.
The school, completed in 1953, took its name from the woods - Hobbs Hill Wood. Some of the wooded area remains as part of the extensive school grounds. The first Head of Hobbs Hill Wood was Mr R J Swell. He was followed by Miss R D Morgan, Mr G W J Crawford, Miss A Broome and Mr M J Lynch.
The current Head, Mr R D Haynes, was appointed in 2001. Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School serves the districts of Leverstock Green, North End Farm and the eastern part of Bennetts End. There are 462 children on roll, in 16 classes. There are two classes in each age group, from year R to year 6. In addition, there are two part time nursery classes.
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