The Government has provided annual funding of £150 million to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding in order to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding has been jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and the money goes directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. All state-maintained schools, academies, middle schools, special schools and pupil referral units which have primary aged pupils (as reported in the 2013 school census) are receiving this funding.
This funding has been ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on the provision for PE and sport in schools. We are now held accountable for how we use the additional funding to support pupils’ progress and participation in PE and school sport. We are required to publish on-line information about how we have used the additional funding.
Below are the action plans which show how the funding has been spent and the impact it has had.