Hanying Hong
Years at school: 2009-2016
I have been with Hobbs Hill Wood from Reception (2008) all the way up to Year 6 (2016). My time at Hobbs Hill Wood has been the best few years of my education and all of you should treasure this moment as well :). I'm now currently in Year 11 at Longdean School studying Computer Science as my current GCSE Option and it's been really fascinating how electrons are allowing me to type this very message you are reading. Very shortly, I will be applying for my A-Level subjects which will be a big part of my life as this is the qualification I need to get into University. I plan to study A-Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science. However, I can never, ever, forget what got me here in the first place and that's Hobbs Hill Wood. In my December Mock exams, I managed to achieve 7x A*s (Grade 8/9) and 1x A (Grade 7) and I wouldn't have done this without the help I've received from my early childhood at Hobbs Hill Wood. I've also done lots of extra-curricular activities after I left Hobbs Hill Wood, like the British Science Association Silver Award for Physics and won a lot of Aylesbury Badminton tournaments with my team. Furthermore, I've also completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award and received an A* (Grade 9) in my Geography GCSE in Year 10.
When writing this I have so many memories flooding through my veins. One of them is being known for the fastest at times tables in Year 5 and Year 6. I remember clearly that Mr Bannister played a game called "Bang" where we had to put our hands behind our back and reveal the number we have on our fingers. We then proceeded to then add the numbers and then do the multiplication in our head and I managed to win (almost) all the time :). I would love a multiplication competition against Mr Bannister but I haven't practised my rapid multiplication in a long time.
Mr Haynes also taught me mathematics in Year 6 and he is amazing and kept pushing table 1 to topics which might've not even be in the SATS and I thoroughly enjoyed that challenge and could be one of the reasons why I love mathematics to this day. My favourite memory from this maths class was Mr Haynes getting mad at me for completing so much maths books as I was on like Book 8 by the end of the year.
In Year 6 I also remember scoring the highest in bowling at the Isle of Wight, I believe my score is still somewhere on this website. :) (I also have my jumper)
Furthermore, when I was in the ICT Suite, I always loved to help other people on computers.
I also can't forget the times I went to Simmons to get bakery when I got a certain number of team points for my amazing team Jupiter.
Ooo How can I forget my Tolmers Trip, I regret jumping into that lake. The Science Museum trip and the trip to St Albans :).
Some Teachers I remember are:
- Mr Bannister
- Mr Haynes
- Mrs Hart (She was my Year 5 Teacher). Also, her son Luke is in my maths class :).
- Miss Sheehan (I remember her being in Year 2, however now she's deputy head)
- Mrs Green
My Time at Hobbs Hill Wood is like a shadow but you need to keep in mind that every shadow must have a source of light and that light will never leave my soul. When I come to apply to University, I will always remember this place as this was the place was "the creation of my brain" and all of the memories and exhilarating times I had.
I'm going to end this off with the same quote that I'm going to write at the end of Year 11.
"When you are young, life is like an unbalanced equation. You learn new subjects, you experience new opportunities and you will fight and break up. As time progresses your equation slowly gets balanced and you become more stable with life. However, it comes a time in life where you have to factor things out and get rid of stuff which you love and cherish like your best friends or that favourite game you played and substitute it with new things which can unbalance it further. You develop further, the equation slowly mending its wounds from the lost friends that you factored out. You come to a time in your life where the equation is balanced and you feel ready to tackle some of the most difficult problems in life as you sit your exam which determines your future. After this, you will slowly begin to feel that your equation can go two ways and you have to differentiate between the best option to balance that equation even further. Each decision you make will cause you to factor more things out of your equation. But always keep this in mind. You are going to have your final laugh with that friend, your final cry and eventually your final goodbye."
Lilli Steadman
I had a really good time in hobbs hill. Miss it loads but secondary is a lot better cause you get less homework but Hobbs helped me a lot.
Resham Ali
I am now at Longdean School in year 9. I really enjoyed my 8 years at Hobbs Hill Wood. My favourite memory in my 8 years at Hobbs Hill was the night of The Bugsy Malone Show in year 5 because I played the part of one of the gangsters. This was my highlight because I was only person in my year that got the role.
Samara Williams 2008 ~ 2018
I loved school as my teachers
mrs alexander
mrs lane
mr berkley
mr hodgkinson
miss cuzzo
mr bannister
mrs wooley
miss bullock and manny more
my fave subject was p.e as i could go to my full potential
my fave school trip was isle of white it was mrs bullocks first time
i am in year 8 in longdean seconday school
already won gold in hemel county britsh 11 and over catergory
my best memory was making new friends like amelia reeve as we are still in contact
Elbie Davis
Years at school: 2015 to 2016
I'm now at Longdean school in year 7.
General Memories: Having a laugh with my friends at break and lunch.
Memories of Teachers: Don't really have any apart from in year 6 when Mrs Alexander did her badger impression and when on the Isle of Wight some of the girls taught Mrs Woolley how to dab.
Memories of School Trips and Events: I loved the Isle of Wight I have so many memories from there.
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: They were all boring so I didn't do any.
Years at school: 2009 to 2016
I'm now at longdean school in year 7 and I am enjoying it
General Memories: I remember the Isle of Wight and Tolmers , and having a laugh with my friends .
Memories of Teachers: When the girls in year 6 taught mrs Woolley how to whip and dab and then she performed it infront of everyone
Memories of School Trips and Events: In the isle wight when we won best room and we didn't even know how and when my friend was messing about spoons and flicking them off the table
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: I didn't like netball, I didn't like football. I didn't like really any sport and I played one netball match in the whole of primary
Years at school: 2005 to 2014
secondry school!!!!
General Memories: missing everyone xxx
Memories of Teachers: best yearwas defenitly year 6 mrs allexander xx
Memories of School Trips and Events: tolmers and isle of wight was amazing!!
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: NETBALL!!
Years at school: 2006 to 2014
I am now at Longdean school and i am very happy there. Sometimes i look back and see how of a wonderful school Hobbs Hill Wood has been.
General Memories: I remember tones of things when I was at primary. First of all I remember when I went to the isle of wight. It was the most amazing trip ever! But the best memory at Hobbs Hill Wood was just being at the school.
Memories of Teachers: One of the main teachers I miss is Mrs Alexander. What a wonderdul teacher whoever has her as a teacher is very lucky. But i wont forget about the rest, Mr Berkly, Mr Bannister, Mrs Patel, Mrs Forbs, Mrs Sheehan, Mrs Hart and Mrs woolman
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: I loved the acting I wanted the main parts a lot in the plays but i didnt want to be the propper main part for some wierd reason.
Years at school: 2009 to 2013
I am going Hemel Hempstead secondary school
General Memories: All my friends and the class rooms
Memories of Teachers: Some were funny and weren't
Memories of School Trips and Events: Had good times with my friends
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: They were quite boring
Trinity Hales
Years at school: 2013 to 2013
Im at Kings Langley primary and not enjoying it.
General Memories: I remember my friends and hazard ally it was awesome and i remember my last day it was sad.
Memories of Teachers: I remembered Mr.Gardener pretending to be a victorian teacher.
Memories of School Trips and Events: As i alredy said Ienjoyed Hazard ally.
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: I didnt do any clubs.
Years at school: 2007 to 2011
I left Hobbs Hill and went to oakwood when I moved house, Hobbs Hill was a great school my photo is still up 😂😂❤
General Memories: All of my friends and how we played on the bikes and the big slide and when Mr heins went sledging down the hill on a plastic bag
Memories of Teachers: I remember Mr heins and Mr banister
Years at school: 2010 to 2011
Since i have been at this outstanding school i have been back to my old school which i still go to. I came back on this amazing website to see some teachers but i was wrong theyve all left. But i still bet the teachers are great. some of you might remember me as Leon Beastons cousin. Now that i have left i felt like i should make a better career choice. I have choosen to be a dentist.
General Memories: My best memory was when we had pancake day. We went around all the classes making pancakes and writing down what we liked about them. At the end of all of this we got to eat them that was the best part.
Memories of Teachers: I only had one teacher who was miss Cooper. I left when we were moving into yr 2 who was going to be mrs Green. When i was here the way of describing teachers was not possible because they were so good and wonderful. I whish we could go back in time so i could be there again
Memories of School Trips and Events: I only hade one school trip while i was here which was claerly in yr1. Wr went to open mead farm. That was great! We saw loads of animals big and small. A nd some we even got to stroke!
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: Sadly i didnt do any school clubs. But at my school now we have to join a ACTIVE club. I would make this as a suggestion
Years at school: 2003 to 2011
Going into year 11 in at Hemel Hempstead School in September. I didn't realise how fun primary school actually is until now.
General Memories: The school discos were great. What's better when you're 8, than eating copious amounts of sewers and running around the school hall to S Club 7? I always looked forward to Creative Arts Week and Friday Specials.
Memories of Teachers: Miss Mccleod was one of my favourite teachers. She was very kind. Mr Bannister was very funny.
Memories of School Trips and Events: We went to the Festival of Voices with the Choir in year 4. The coach didn't arrive so we had to take a train. That was fun. Also, a trip to Lego Land in year 2 will always be one of my favourite school trips ever. The school plays always made me feel very Christmassy.
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: I was in the School Choir from year 3 onwards. At that time it had lots of members.
Years at school: 2004 to 2011
I am now in year 9 at the Hemel Hempstead school. I am currently choosing my gcse options.
General Memories: Going on the field in the summer! It was fantastic!
Memories of Teachers: Mrs Alexander was my favourite teacher. She was so nice and kind. Mr bannister was hilarious!
Memories of School Trips and Events: The Isle of Wight was so good! I was there with all my friends and I had the best time ever.
Memories of School Clubs and Sports: I went to choir from year 3 to year 6! I wish mrs Harris could come to my school and run it! I miss it loads