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Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School

Improving outcomes for all our pupils through high quality teaching and learning

Year 4

Year 4 teachers:
Mr Bannister (4B) and Miss Woolman (4W)

Year 4 teaching assistants:
Miss Wood (4B) and Mrs Goodman (4W)

Welcome to our Year 4 page which is full of all the exciting things you will be learning this year, trips we will go on and an insight to what we will be learning in our next topics.

In this term, our Power of Reading books are Fair Trade and Noah Barleywater Runs Away. Our English lessons will see us producing many pieces of writing across a range of styles and genres including narratives, reports, recounts, diaries and letters.

In Science we will be learning about Teeth and Eating.

In Geography we learn about South America.

History will be about the Anglo-Saxons

In R.E. we shall learn all about Sikhism.


Don't forget to keep improving your TTRS skills - we have the multiplication check approaching in June. 


Current Power of Reading text
