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Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School

Improving outcomes for all our pupils through high quality teaching and learning

Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 page

Meet the team:
Year 5 teachers: Mrs Cruickshank (5C) and Miss Woolman (5W)
Year 5 teaching assistants: Mrs North (5C) and Mrs Day (5W)


Summer Term!

During our Summer term in Year 5 we study lots of exciting topics! Our Power of Reading text this half-term is Tom's Midnight Garden. In Science we explore the life cycle of plants looking at the parts of flowers and how they grow. We continue our History learning by exploring the Maya. In Geography, we study our local area and use digital mapping tools. We develop our Spanish learning focusing on our homes and move on to RE exploring Judaism and Christianity focusing on religious celebrations and key figures. In Music we continue with our brass lesson with Mr Fisher. 

Our Computing topics this term are we are Web Developers. Finally, in PE we develop our Athletics and Cricket skills. 
