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Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School

Improving outcomes for all our pupils through high quality teaching and learning

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Our team includes Miss Clark (3C), Mrs Grossman (3C), Miss Marren (3M) and Mrs Taylor (3M). 


Summer Term!

During our Summer term in Year 3 we study lots of exciting topics. Our Power of Reading texts are George's Marvellous Medicine and I was a Rat. We spend lots of time improving our Maths fluency and practicing our times tables (especially the 8 times tables). In Science we explore How does your garden grow before moving on to The Nappy Challenge! We continue our History learning by exploring the Ancient Egyptians before moving on to Geography and looking at Volcanoes and Earthquakes! We come to the end of our Spanish learning in Year 3 with our topic on 'I know how...' and finish our RE learning on Special places. In Design and Technology we create our very own volcanoes before exploding them on the playground! Our Art looks at the work of Vincent Van Gogh before creating our own artwork in his style. Our PSHE learning helps to to learn different relationships and ourselves. 

Our Chromebooks are continually put to good use in our Computing topics of 'We Are Co-Authors' and 'We Are Opinion Pollsters', using Google software. Finally, we make sure to keep our bodies moving by looking at Rounders and Athletics!

Year 3 Power of Reading Books - Summer term books

Tarantella - Line Dance | Lenny Pro & Natalia Bekker

FUN FAMILY DANCE dancers: Lenny Pro & Natalia Bekker

Search For The Hero - M People (Karaoke Version)

Search For The Hero - M People - Karaoke Version Website: Professional renditions composed by Easy Karaoke Ltd. Est. 2001 ©®

Gold Card Work!
